Saturday, 27 May 2017

Questions You Should Ask Before Buying HR Software

HR professionals and software dealers agree that the first step in human resource software surveys is to understand your current processes, anticipate future needs and know what goals you want to achieve with the software. A simple Google search for “human resources software” will return many results. Each dealer will promise efficient, easy-to-use and cost-effective software.

Use the following questions to help filter this process.

1. Do you understand our specific needs and what we are trying to achieve with the new software?
2. Can this software meet all my human resource needs?
3. Will this software save us money?
4. What is new in this HR software and is it easy to use?
5. How do you determine the price?
6. How safe is employee data?
7. How can this software help our company achieve these goals, will it help us be more productive?
8. What costs are not included in the HR software?
9. Does the software work with my existing hardware, network, and data?
10. How easy is it to integrate the system with other platforms?
11. How often do updates come for this product?
12. Can I integrate the Time Tracking system with this product?
13. What amount of data can it handle?
14. Does the system hold all global employee records?
15. Does the system link with HR-related systems such as payroll and benefits?

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