Wednesday, 17 May 2017

5 Key Benefits Of Cloud-Based HR software

HR software
based on the cloud offer many advantages in the current work environment and can help simplify many workforce management tasks. The Human Resources Department is responsible for several key functions, such as recruitment, management, employee data management and performance management. A common feature of the various HR functions is that they are difficult to process the data. Just as a growing number of businesses across the country are discovering that HR software for HR management is “must” rather than “nice to have,” they also understand unmatched benefits of cloud computing software compared to local solution levels.

1. Management Advantages

You can use it at any time and anywhere from your smartphone, laptop, and from your desktop. A cloud-based system provides fast access to applications in a personalized, self-service, connected and secure environment, reducing the time it takes to work with multiple systems. Cloud-based HR software also leads to increased use and participation – because access to human resources and benefits is quick, convenient and easy.

2. Eliminate Paper-Based Processes

You can save time and money with easier access to important company documents and information about employees. When your important business data is stored in a secure cloud, you can avoid wasting time chasing paperwork and paying unnecessary fines.

3. Advanced Recruiting Function

One of the core functions of the Human Resources department is hiring. Like most human resources functions, the recruitment process involves a gathering of massive data, which involves processing CVs, interview planning, collecting interview feedback and deploying job offers. Some processes such as CV processing have been handled by software applications for years, while some other processes have continued to be processed manually in many cases. The cloud-based HR software is designed in such a way that most of the processing is going on in the cloud. Using cloud-based HR software also provides high-quality data analysis.

4. Data Security

Companies that deal primarily with cloud providers often doubt the security of their data in the hands of the provider. Especially for data relating to human resources, which are confidential, with a lot of demographic and financial information. The main aspect of a cloud-based software is that it is designed with the security of databases, applications, and data in mind. While data is hosted and stored remotely any data sent to the client is always sent with an encryption. The software also restricts physical access and access to stored data by ID. This is also better supported by the cloud provider.

5. Reduce Cost

There are economic benefits to the HR in using cloud-based HR software. Removing sensitive hardware, software, on-site service and annoying updates, cloud-based HR software can help companies save a lot of money. With employee management benefits of cloud-based software, there is no new hardware or software to buy, thus immediately saving thousands. These benefits can include No installation fees, No hidden fees, no maintenance fees.